Application Performance
Application Performance is an insight offered by Qualetics as a part of its Activity Analytics suite.

The Thumbnail View of Application Performance displays 4 key metrics to assess your app's performance/stability: Avg. Total Time, Avg. Loading Time, Avg. Response Time, and Least Responsive Page. You also get a percentage meter indicating if the app's performance has improved or worsened. The demo app used here is Diaramble. Lower scores for these metrics denote better performance. This, in turn, leads to a superior user experience. The view also highlights the least responsive page.

This chart shows the response time in seconds for your Web, Mobile, Server or Software applications. Faster response times provide better user experiences. Use available filters to analyze app features, user actions, actors, and specific date ranges. Dropdown filters offer multiple options for selecting a specific period.

The chart displays response times in seconds for your app's web, mobile, server, or software pages. Faster response times result in better user experiences. Additional filters include app features, user actions, user roles, and date range. You can also use a dropdown filter to specify a particular time period.

The above visualization shows the response time in seconds of your app's web, mobile, software, or server page. The faster the response time, the better the user experience. You can filter by app features, user action when bugs or defects occur, user identity, and date range. Additionally, you can choose from various dropdown filters to filter the data for a specific date range.
- This is a Visualized view.
- There are additional filters available here such as Context (app features), Action (what was the user doing when a bug/defect was encountered), Actor (who is/was the user), and a date range during which the analysis was performed.
- Not only this, you may go ahead do a lot with this visualization.
- You have the option to embed this visualization into a webpage or a blog post or share it with any of your users.
- You may also subscribe to a condition where you get alerts when a certain condition is met or not met.
- In addition, you may download this view as a PDF document or an Excel sheet or simply save this as a Favorite view based on a specific search input, or date per se.
- Also, using the API link, you may integrate this chart into your app based on the permissions available

This table shows response times of your app by page for Web, Mobile, Server, or Software. The faster the response, the better the user experience. Filters available for Context, Action, Actor, and analysis period. Also, a dropdown filter allows selecting specific date ranges.
- This is an Analyzed or a Tabular view.
- There are additional filters available here such as Context (app features), Action (what was the user doing when a bug/defect was encountered), Actor (who is/was the user), and a Date Rane during which the analysis was performed.
- Not only this, you may go ahead do a lot with this visualization -
- You have the option to embed this visualization into a webpage or a blog post or share it with any of your users.
- You may also Subscribe to a condition where you get alerts when a certain condition is met or not met.
- In addition, you may download this view as a PDF document or an Excel sheet or simply save this as a Favorite view based on a specific search input, or date per se.
- Also, using the API link, you may integrate this chart into your app based on the permissions available.