Platform Features

User Groups


User groups can be created by Administrators in the Qualetics portal.

What are User Groups?

User Groups allow administrators of the Qualetics portal to organize users into different groups to control access to various insights.

Users created in the "General" role have restricted access to insights. Administrators need to Assign insights to General users for them to view insights.

Administrators can create user groups for different viewing purposes and assign insights to such groups. Users added to those groups will automatically receive access to the assigned insights.

For example, creating a "Quality Control" group and assigning all Software Quality Insights to the group can then enable the Administrator to add Quality Assurance team members to the Quality Control group to view insights such as Quality Index, Exception Wordcloud, Users Impacted, Devices Impacted and many more insights for the Quality Control team to monitor and proactively take action.

How to Create a User Group?

Go to Admin > User Groups

Accessing User Groups
Accessing User Groups

If any user groups are created already, the list of User Groups will be displayed. If no User Groups are present, an empty list will be presented.

User Group List
User Group List

In order to create a new user group, click on "+ Create User Group", which will trigger the launch of a pop-up screen as shown below. Please enter the name of the User Group and click on "Create User Group".

Create User Group popup
Create User Group popup

Once the User Group is added, a confirmation message is shown and the User Group is displayed in the list as shown below.

User Group "Accounting" added
User Group "Accounting" added