Platform Features

User Management


Any Administrator in the Qualetics portal can create additional users. See the steps below to create a new user.

How to Create Users?

In the top navigation, Go to Admin > Users

Manging Users
Manging Users

The Users screen should display a list of users already created. If no users were previously created, an empty list will be displayed.

Empty User List
Empty User List

To create a new user, click on the "+ Create User" button at the top of the screen. Doing so will launch a pop-up screen which will display the fields to enter for creating a new user.

New User Screen
New User Screen

Once the details are entered correctly and the Create User button is clicked, the user account is created and a Success message is displayed as below.

User Creation confirmation
User Creation confirmation

Upon creation of the user, the user is displayed in the user list on the Users screen.

User added in the list
User added in the list

  • Users can be created at the parent level under All Clients or under each individual Client account
  • Admin users will have access to all insights and functionality
  • General users will have limited access
    • Insights will need to be assigned for General users. For details on how to assign insights, check Assign Insights

Updated 11 Dec 2023
Doc contributor
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